Monument Grills is a popular agency for quality and innovation in the sphere of outdoor cooking and grilling solutions. Whether you are a backyard barbecue DIY chef or an experienced grill master, Monument Grills is for you. Here we will look at those Monument Grill features that have put these grills on the map today. Learn more about the hidden gem of built-in thermometers, complex rotisserie kits, and similar elements that enhance your grilling.
So, below are the top innovative grill features!!
Built-In Thermometers
Among all the issues that occur during grilling, probably the most important feature of Monument Grill technology is the temperature level. Monument Grills has installed thermometers in them that greatly help you increase the accuracy of your grilling. In contrast to other types of thermometers, which force you to seek an outside device, the thermostats of Monument Grills are incorporated on the lid of the grill. This placement makes it possible for you to check on temperatures within your grill without having to open it and thus release the heat, therefore maintaining the cooking heat.
They are accurate and have the feature of being very robust in high temperatures, so they can be used for a long time. When it comes to searing the steaks or slow-cooking the ribs, temperature control is a must if you want your meal to be just right. For this purpose, it is especially helpful for users who are just starting with grilling, as this feature helps avoid one of the main mistakes, such as overcooking or undercooking the food.
Besides the standard dials that display the temperatures, some versions of the Monument Grill have dual-zone thermometers. These enable you to regulate the temperature of the various compartments of the grill at the same time, which is even more convenient.
LED control knobs
One of the must-have and striking aspects of the Monument Grills is that they come with LED control knobs. Grilling is usually done in the evening, and sometimes it is hard to see, especially when you want to twiddle with different knobs. This is the issue that the LED control knobs are supposed to address, offering a soft, glazing light sufficient for reading the grill setting even in the dark.
These LED lights are very practical, but they also give this grill a very contemporary look. All the knobs are backlit; thus, the grill appeared rather futuristic. This specificity is very handy at night or during winter grilling occasions when there is less light.
Furthermore, the LED control knobs are made sturdy. They are also waterproof, so they are able to work, as they should handle the harshest weather conditions outside. In addition, the fact that the LED control knobs are functional and fashionable is something that any owner of a Monument Grill will find helpful.
Multiple Burners and Heat Zones
Most of the Monument Grills have multiple burners and heat zones, allowing for incredible and versatile warmth. It is particularly suitable for those who like to cook different meals at a time. Several burners include the feature of having different heating conditions in the grill to allow different foods to be cooked at different temperatures.
For example, they allow you to cook steak at a high temperature while at the same time preserving another area for grilling some vegetables or long-cooking meat. This, in a way, eliminates time consumption but at the same time guarantees that the food items are cooked at the right temperature in order to get a satisfactory and preferable taste and texture of the food being cooked.
The burners used in Monument Grills are made of stainless steel, which is of the finest quality and thus will allow for uniform heating and durability. Also, you find some models with infrared burners; these offer very hot and concentrated heat, ideal for searing.
These are in addition to multiple burners and heat zones, as well as a flame tamer that aids in heat distribution while minimizing it. This makes the grilling safer and more enjoyable, as one is not worried when a flame may surge and affect the food that is being grilled.
Rotisserie Kits
For the people who fancy themselves as good cooks over the open flames, there are rotisserie kits available as add-ons with Monument Grills. Rotisserie cooking is as old as the hills, and it is slow cooking, which makes the meat tender and juicy. The rotisserie kits that are available for the Monument Grills can easily be fitted to the whole grill, and they are easy to operate.
These kits comprise an exceedingly potent motor, spit rod, and forks, which are used to position your food appropriately. The motor is specially built for low-profile operation and steady revolution, making it possible to achieve cool and comprehensive cooking from left to right of the roast. Cooking a whole chicken, a leg of lamb, or a pork roast is easy when using the rotisserie kit as described in this post.
One of the major attractions of the roasting component of this apparatus is that it is ideal for use at parties and other social activities. This exposes you to the chance of well-cooking big portions of meat without having to stand and babysit the grill. To enhance your grilling experience with Monument grill accessories, check out the latest additions that can make your outdoor cooking even more enjoyable.